Welcome Pastor Jordan!

Jordan Easley becomes Senior Pastor

On Sunday, July 29, 2018, the church family of First Baptist Cleveland affirmed the selection of Jordan Easley to become Senior Pastor beginning August 19, 2018.

Read about the Selection Process

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Pastor Jordan Easley
Jordan, Audra, Jailee, Asher
From left to right:
Audra, Jailee, Asher, & Jordan Easley
Church affirms Jordan Easley as Senior Pastor during morning worship on July 29, 2018.

About Jordan

For the past 4 ½ years Jordan Easley has served as Senior Pastor of Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee.  

Prior to serving at Englewood, Jordan served alongside David Landrith as Teaching Pastor/Multi-site Pastor at Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN.  Before serving at Long Hollow, Jordan had the privilege of serving at several other leading churches in our convention:

  • Second Baptist Houston, TX (Ed Young)
  • First Baptist Atlanta, GA (Charles Stanley)
  • Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, TX (Jack Graham)

God moved in a mighty way during Jordan’s season at Englewood:

  • Over 800 people were baptized
  • Over 1,700 people joined the church and were assimilated into small groups
  • They launched 2 new multisite campuses that now average roughly 1,000 additional people in worship each week.
  • They supported the launch of 6 new church plants across America 
  • They saw their budget increase from $5.1 million to $7.1 million.
  • They dramatically increased their CP giving and mission involvement 
  • They reduced their church debt from $3.2 million to less that $800k. 

In addition, Jordan is an author for Lifeway.  In 2013, B&H published his first book, “Life Change.” His second book, “Resuscitating Evangelism,” is scheduled to be released in January of 2020.  Jordan received his Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Baptist University and then attended Seminary at both Southwestern Baptist Theological and Luther Rice.  Jordan is currently continuing his education at Union University, where he is concluding a Masters degree in Christian Ministries.  

Jordan enjoys spending time with family and friends.  He also loves the outdoors, all-things sports (Go Vols!), good food and traveling.  One of his favorite places to visit is the Holy Land.  Jordan has been to Israel now three different times and has enjoyed making the Holy Land experience a part of his ministry.  

In recent years, Jordan has also been given several opportunities to represent his church, the state of Tennessee, and Southern Baptist on a national level.  

  • Serves as a Trustee for the IMB (International Mission Board)
  • Recently served as Chairman of the Young Leaders Advisory Council for the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention)
  • Recently served on the Evangelism Task Force for the SBC
  • Recently served as a part of the Advisory Council for the ERLC 
  • Serves as a part of President Trump’s Faith Leaders Initiative 
  • Was elected to preach the Convention Sermon at the 2018 Tennessee Baptist Convention

Jordan married his high school sweetheart, Audra, in the year 2000.  She also graduated from Dallas Baptist University (2002) with a degree in Elementary Education.  Audra is a vital part of Jordan’s ministry.  She loves investing in women and that passion led her and a few friends to begin a ministry last year (ByFaithShe.com). Audra loves pouring into ladies and especially has a heart for staff wives and moms of all ages. 

She and Jordan have two children: Jailee (13, going into the 7th grade) and Asher (12, going into the 6th grade).  Jailee is a competitive cheerleader and is also a crafty entrepreneur.  Asher is all-boy.  He loves sports, tricking, playing Fortnite and spending time outdoors with his Dad.  

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