The Senior Pastor Transition

Learn about the transition process.

On Sunday, April 23, 2017, Bro. Allan Lockerman announced his intention to step down as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Cleveland in the fall of 2018. The church is entering a season of transition that will require identifying and calling a new Senior Pastor.

Pray for our Church

For unity in the body, for expectations during the search and transition process, for faithfulness, for patience, for grace, for humility, for a broader vision.

Pray for an Openness

To be flexible, keeping in mind that becoming more flexible requires some stretching.

Pray for the Transition Team

For clarity, for endurance, for unity, for diligence, for discipline, for courage, for wisdom, and for our families.

Pray for the search itself

Pray for wisdom and for the process itself.

Pray for the Man

Pray for his wife, for his family, for his church, and for clarity of thought.

Pray for Brother Allan and Alice

Pray for the church in transitioning and the transition process.

Pray for our Church

For unity in the body, for expectations during the search and transition process, for faithfulness, for patience, for grace, for humility, for a broader vision.

Pray for an Openness

To be flexible, keeping in mind that becoming more flexible requires some stretching.

Pray for the Transition Team

For clarity, for endurance, for unity, for diligence, for discipline, for courage, for wisdom, and for our families.

Pray for the search itself

Pray for wisdom and for the process itself.

Pray for the Man

Pray for his wife, for his family, for his church, and for clarity of thought.

Pray for Brother Allan and Alice

Pray for the church in transitioning and the transition process.

Pastor Jordan Easley

Call Affirmed

On Sunday, July 29, 2018, the church family of First Baptist Cleveland affirmed the selection of Jordan Easley to become Senior Pastor beginning August 19, 2018.
Meet Jordan Easley

Updates from the Team (January 2018)

During a Prayer Gathering on Sunday evening, January 7, 2018, the team shares updates with the church about the process so far.

Updates from the Team (April 2018)

Mike Sharp, member of the Team, shares their progress with the church during a Prayer Gathering on Sunday evening, April 29, 2018.

Updates from the Team (July 15, 2018)

Mike Sharp shares exciting news about the progress of the Senior Pastor Transition and the upcoming guest speaker for July 29, 2018.

Bro. Allan's Video Message (July 2018)

Bro. Allan shares his thoughts on the coming Senior Pastor candidate with the church during morning worship experiences on July 22, 2018.

Welcome Pastor Jordan Easley

On Sunday, July 29, 2018, the church family of First Baptist Cleveland affirmed the selection of Jordan Easley to become Senior Pastor beginning August 19, 2018.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might to that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light.

Colossians 1:9-11

The Transition Team

Gina Allison

Pat Ensley

David Hicks

T. Roy Jones

Mary Ross

Mike Sharp

Christy Washington


Latest Updates

Team Selection Period Closes
September 1, 2017 The team selection period has now concluded. View Update
Team Selection Ballot Available
August 9, 2017 First Baptist Cleveland members can now submit online ballots to select the search team. View Update
Team Nomination Period Closes
July 1, 2017 The nomination period for team members has now closed. View Update
Team Nomination Period Opens
May 28, 2017 Announcing the opening of team nominations through June 2017. View Update
Official Letter from the Deacons
May 11, 2017 Read the first official letter to church members on transition process details. View Update
Allan Lockerman Announces Senior Pastor Transition
April 23, 2017 Bro. Allan announces his intention to step down from Senior Pastor position in fall 2018. View Update

The Senior Pastor Search Process

  • Nominating members for the Transition / Pastor Search Team

    During June 2017, church members will have the opportunity to nominate up to seven individuals to serve as members of the Transition/Pastor Search Team. Church members should prayerfully nominate potential Transition/Pastor Search Team candidates by paper ballot available at the Welcome Center, online nomination at, or by giving a paper ballot to any Deacon.

  • Review and selection of up to 21 eligible team nominations

    Once the nomination period has ended, nominations will be submitted to the Leadership Advisory Team and Executive Ministerial Staff, who together have the responsibility of vetting the nominations during July 2017. After all the names are vetted, the Leadership Advisory Team and the Executive Ministerial Staff will send no more than 21 names to the Deacons for affirmation.

  • Selecting the final seven member team

    Once the Deacons affirm the proposed list of up to 21 names, those names will be presented to the entire church congregation to select, during the first three Sundays of August 2017, a seven member Transition / Pastor Search Team.

  • Team interviews and reviews Senior Pastor candidates

    The team will listen to and interview Senior Pastor candidates. The church congregation, along with other qualified individuals including the Executive Ministerial Staff, will have the opportunity to recommend potential Senior Pastor candidates to the Transition/Pastor Search Team. The team will be responsible to do their due diligence as to each recommended individual. Once the top candidates are identified and agreed upon, the entire team will interview and vet the top candidates.

  • Team recommends top candidate to Deacons and the Leadership Advisory Team

    The Transition / Pastor Search Team will recommend a Senior Pastor candidate to the Deacons and the Leadership Advisory Team for affirmation.

  • Candidate is presented to church membership for vote in view of a call

    Once affirmed by the Deacons and the Leadership Advisory Team, the Senior Pastor candidate will be recommended to the church membership for a vote in view of a call. On Sunday, July 29, 2018 the Senior Pastor candidate will preach during morning worship experiences. An affirmation vote will occur on Sunday, July 29, 2018.

  • Process Complete

    Once affirmed by the vote in view of a call, the Senior Pastor transition process is completed.

The Transition / Pastor Search Team

The Deacons and Leadership Advisory Team believe the Transition / Pastor Search Team must be a diverse group including both men and women, and be representative of the entire church body.

The team will consist of seven individuals who will have the responsibility to search for and identify God’s man to be the next Senior Pastor of First Baptist Cleveland.

Some of the criteria for being a member of the Transition / Pastor Search Team are:

  • Member of First Baptist Cleveland
  • Actively involved in ministries of the church
  • Consistent financial contributors to First Baptist Cleveland
  • Possess an awareness and understanding of the working operations of the church, staff and personnel, as well as different areas of ministry of the church

Executive Ministerial Staff

Allan Lockerman

Senior Pastor

Jeff Lovingood

Senior Associate Pastor

Jim Gibson

Senior Executive Pastor

Leadership Advisory Team

Manson Clement Deacon Secretary Pat Ensley Sunday School/Small Groups Jim Gibson Executive Ministerial Staff Dave Gregory Personnel T. Roy Jones Deacon Chairman Benny Kirksey Stewardship Allan Lockerman Executive Ministerial Staff Jeff Lovingood Executive Ministerial Staff Mike Sharp Deacon Vice Chairman Tommy Walker Immediate Past Deacon

2017 Active Deacons

Dan Allison Kent Berry Rex Calfee David Chafin Jay Chapman Shane Clark Manson Clement Steve Crump Cliff Eason Adam Elder Melvin Elder Don Gaines Shane Gibson Dave Gregory McKamy Hall David Hicks T. Roy Jones Jim Kerr Benny Kirksey Bryce Kirksey David Luzader Ron McCall Coty McFarland John McIntosh Terry Pierce Jim Sharp Mike Sharp Don Sims Wes Smith Cole Strong David Turpin Bart Walker Ken Wallace Chris Wilds

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